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The best advertisement is word of mouth.
Second best is emails -- because they are free!

I continue to be devoted to promoting ALL Doll (and Bear) related shows & events across the USA and believe that “Together We Thrive” by encouraging & educating others about dolls, their history & the enjoyment of doll collecting.

It is never my intention to send out unwanted emails. However, it has been my experience that people in the doll/bear world like to be informed as to what’s happening in our world. We sometimes even schedule our vacations and travel plans around doll/bear events in the area we are heading to.

Here is an easy way for people to sign up for not only DollShowUSA.com but also to expand event promoters' email lists. This will make it so much easier to keep attendees up to date on all event dates.

No more spending hours attempting to decipher handwriting and hand typing those emails. Use this simple method using a smart phones to point, click and enter their information. Subscribers will be kept track of during the events by entering the Event City, State or Club/Promoter name into the reference field. Once the event is over, upon your request, the list of all subscribers that signed up can be sent to you at any time.

Click for PDF's
{QR Campaign Display}
{QR Campaign Flyers - 4 per Sheet}

If you cannot print and would like to request a USA PromoPak
Please email me at Karen@dollshowusa.com

I am hopeful this project will propel us in a new direction that will help maintain and grow our events for many years to come. As always, if you have any comments, suggestions, questions, concerns or challenges, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Karen@DollShowUSA.com or call/text (520) 270-0179 (AZ MST)

This site is maintained by
Specialized Information & Services
For All Your Dollie Endeavors
Online & Off